Genealogy, or "family history" is the study of families,
their lineages and history. Genealogists establish kinship and pedigrees
using a range of techniques including interviews, historical records,
genetic analysis, heraldry, art, and other records to obtain information
about a family.
Pedigrees may be written as narratives but are more often displayed
in charts.
Heraldry can be of great use to genealogists, but is often under-used
because a degree of expertise is required to interpret heraldic
On this page are some of the things you need to know about to help
you with research if you have armigerous ancestors - ie ancestors
entitled to coats of arms.
If you want to use heraldry, then your first task will be to familiarize
yourself with the technical vocabulary of heraldry, (achievement,
field, crest, supporters, etc.), cadency, hatchments, marshalling,
augmentations, and so on - which you can do on the home page of
this website.
If you interested in various genealogy tools and services available
to you, you should turn off your ad-blocker for this website.
If you have a coat of arms to work from, do you know which country
it comes from? If from the UK you need to know whether it is England
/ Wales, Scotland or Ireland. If you don't know, then you might
be lucky in that some element of the arms will give you a clue (for
example a motto in Irish might suggest they are Irish while a motto
above the arms instead of below might suggest that they are Scottish).
If you are hoping to find a coat of arms that you are entitled
to, then you need to know which country your ancestors came from.
The only ones who matter for this purpose are your father, his father,
his father, his father
and so on.
The country is important because that's the only place you are
stand any realistic chance of finding your ancestor's coat of arms.
If you don't even know the country, do not despair. With a bit
of practice you can make a good guess at the country of origin.
For example Spanish arms often feature cooking pots - something
that is otherwise rare. Canadian arms often feature distinctive
Canadian animals (moose, narwhals, polar bears, ...). German arms
feature distinctive crests. Your first line of inquiry for any gyrony
arms should be the Campbell clan.
The arms on the right are easily identifiable as English. They
are surmounted by the coronet of a British duke. They are encircled
by a garter, representing the English Order of the Garter. They
feature two old versions of the royal coat of arms - a clear sign
of close relationship to English royalty (or just as often, a sign
of completely bogus arms). Do not be mislead by the French motto.
French mottos are common in English arms.
What can you tell from the arms below?
They belonged to a man
He is dead
His wife outlived him
He was a Duke
He was a Knight of the Garter
His family and his wife's were both related
to royalty
In fact this Hatchment belonged to
Charles Manners, 4th Duke of Rutland
Heraldic Conventions
Are you familiar with heraldic terminology and conventions. If
not, you need to understand some important elements that carry potentially
useful information. You need to understand
- that looking up a coat of arms that belonged to someone with
your surname is not likely to get you anywhere unless you happen
to have a very rare and distinctive surname.
More ...
- who is or was entitled to use coats of arms in the jurisdiction
you are interested in. Beware that misuse may be a civil or even
a criminal offence.
- the elements of heraldry, including terminology in the jurisdiction
you are interested in (e.g. achievement & crest, dexter &
More ...
- the rules of differencing and cadency in the jurisdiction you
are interested in - a potential goldmine
- the rules that govern the combining of arms (marshalling) in
the jurisdiction you are interested in - another potential goldmine
More ...
- the rules that govern the design of hatchments (funerary heraldry)
- yet another potential goldmine
More ...
What can you deduce from the arms shown
It's a hatchment - so belongs to someone
who is dead
The shield tells you it was for a man
The artistic style tells you these are modern
arms so he probably died relatively recently
The black background and lack of a wife's
arms tell you he was a bachelor or that his wife did not come
from an armigerous family
The quartered arms with two crests tell you
that a predecessor married an heraldic heiress
The naval crown and anchor tell you he was
a naval officer
The medal below the motto tell you that he
won a DSO
(Distinguished Service Order) which also
identifies him as a British or Commonwealth officer - so presumably
an officer in the Royal Navy.
If you search the Internet for the motto
"cressa ne careat" you'll soon find this is the
hatchment of Captain Addison Joe Baker-Cresswell (1901 - 1997),
a famous Royal Naval officer. In 1940 he was given command
of the destroyer HMS Bulldog. On the 9 May 1941 a party from
his ship captured the German U-Boat U-110, seizing amongst
other items an intact 'Enigma' code machine and code book,
which explains why he was awarded his DSO
Lists of Arms
Next you need to understand that there is no single authoritative
international list of arms that you can turn to. In fact you are
very unlikely to find a single authoritative national list, though
most with heraldic authorities have lists for certain periods. See
below for sources in different jurisdictions.
Early arms are recorded on heralds' rolls,
such as this one: The Dering Roll, late 13th.c., the earliest
surviving English original roll of arms.

Bogus Arms
Be aware that coats of arms are not always genuine, even if they
are old.
In the Middle Ages the assumption of arms was totally unregulated,
but from around the fifteenth century the awarding coats of arms
was reserved to senior nobles and then to royalty. Arms assumed
after this were often regularized (after four generations or so),
but some never were.
Unscrupulous merchants have been selling bogus coats of arms for
centuries (and they are still in business). The older the arms are,
the more difficult they are to spot as bogus, but you should be
suspicious of nobodies whose purported arms proclaim descent from
several noble families - for a genuine genealogist they are worse
than no arms at all. With a bit of heraldic expertise you will be
able to spot anachronisms and other examples of bogus heraldry.
With a bit of practice you will be able to spot the arms on the
right as bogus.
An example of Bogus arms

Who used arms? and when?
You might find it useful to understand when arms started to be
used, as this can give a clue as to the status of armigers.
By the middle of the 14th century English courts upheld the principle
that no man could use arms already adopted by another. Later the
Crown forbade the bearing of arms without authority.
Beyond the early 1500s it is almost impossible to find evidence
of commoner ancestors because written records of them were rarely
made. Only records of the nobility are likely to exist, and only
they bore arms, except in northern Europe where commoners could
become knights.
A man of gentle birth was originally one born into the nobility
- debonair "de bonne aire" - "from a good nest".
Later the word gentleman came to designate a position below a knight
but above a yeoman. An English act of parliament of 1429 used les
gentiles to describe men holding freehold property of at least
40 shillings a year. From the 16th century the term gentleman usually
refers to those who did not labour physically and who employed servants.
In many continental countries it became common for rich merchants
and the grand bourgeoisie to assume arms.
What can you tell from the arms below?
They belong to a man
He is dead
The quartered arms with two crests tell you
that a predecessor married an heraldic heiress
He married twice
His first wife predeceased him
His second wife outlived him
His second wife was an heraldic heiress (so
his descendants will include her arms in the third quarter)
What to Look For
Once you have a coat of arms to investigate, here are some points
to bear in mind:
- Arms traditionally descend unchanged through the male line to
the eldest son. This makes it easy to trace the male line but
is no help at all for other lines, unless someone married an heiress.
In this case the arms will change and identify who the heiress's
family were. - More
- For the male line, sons will (or at least should) bear arms
with marks of cadency, until they inherit their father's arms
(if they ever do). - More
- You might also be able to make useful deductions from other
clues in a coat of arms. For example:
- age. The style in which arms are rendered often tell
you the period they belong to. You just need to familiarize
yourself with changing fashions in heraldic art.
- colours. Even if there are no colours on the example
in your possession, you might be able to deduce them using
the Petra Sancta method.. - More
- breeches of the rule of tincture, or other errors.
This might well indicate that the arms are bogus - ie assumed
by someone
- augmentations. If a new symbol appears in the arms
it might signify a honour reflecting special recognition by
a monarch - More
- supporters. If your arms look genuine and have supporters
then they belong to someone important - nobility, a very old
family, or someone favoured by the monarch (like Kate Middleton's
father) . - More
- coronets. If the arms are surmounted by a coronet
then you can tell the rank - and the country - of the bearer.
Note that ancient crowns have no such significance. - More
- orders. Orders of knighthood sometimes encircle arms
- in which case you can what the order is, and which country
it comes from
- national styles. Different countries have different
conventions and practices. For example cooking implements
are very common in Spanish arms, including very prestigious
arms, but very rare in other arms.
- impaled arms. Impaled arms may represent the two
coats of arms of a married couple. But note that impaled arms
are not always personal arms. Holders of certain offices traditionally
impale their own arms with those of the office they hold -
examples are bishops, masters of Oxbridge colleges, and kings
of arms. Bishops and kings of arms are easily identifiable
by the mitres and crowns that surmount their impaled arms.
- More
- Quartered Arms and Inescutcheons. Arms with inescutcheons
and quartered arms may indicate marriage to an heiress - children
of the marriage inherit their mother's arms quartered with
their father's. This also marks the end of a male line for
the wife's family of birth. - More
- Hatchments can be a real goldmine. They encode information
about marriage status, previous marriages and even who died
before whom. Look out for ornaments on the hatchment - for
example an anchor might suggest the deceased was a naval officer.
- More
- Mottos. Mottos have a number of disadvantages as
they are not strictly part of the heraldic achievement. They
might change from generation to generation, and unrelated
armigers might use the same motto. They have three advantages:
the spelling might tell you something about their age or even
conceivably the location of their original use; the language
might give you useful clues; and phrases are much easier to
search on the Internet than images.
What can you tell from the arms below?
On first sight they look like the arms of
a man whose wife has died, but a few minutes' research tells
you that the Dexter arms are those of All Souls College, Oxford
So these are the arms of a Warden of All
Souls who died in office
What can you tell from the arms below?
They belong to a man
He is dead
He was married twice
His first wife predeceased him
His second wife survived him
All three families were probable old "county"
Where to find other Examples
One you have one example of a coat of arms you might want to look
for another, in the hope that it will convey more information. Where
are good places to look:
- Inherited objects: seals, signet rings, cufflinks, bookplates,
crockery, jewellery, beds, silverware (remember the Darbyfields'
teaspoon in Tess of the D'Urbervilles?)
- records of arms - official lists, rolls of arms, books, official
bodies (eg orders of knighthood)
- buildings - old family properties often had the owner's arms
carved over doorways, on mantelpieces, etc
- churches - the local church of a dead armiger might retain their
- or even a collection of family hatchments. There might also
be a monument, providing not only coats of arms, but some text
and often images of the dead person's children, telling you the
number of girls and boys - boys to one side, girls to the other,
in decreasing order of age, those already dead wearing their burial
shrouds. Don't forget to check the church window's too.
- The Internet. Worth a try, especially if you can blazon a coat
of arms from an image
What can you tell from the arms below?
They belonged to a man
He is dead
He was a bachelor
He came from a noble family
He was the second son
This is the Hatchment of a second son of
the Duke of Rutland,
who died a bachelor
What can you tell from this monument?
Seventeenth century - from the clothing
This couple had 8 children
1 boy, 7 girls
their third girl died in infancy (she is
shown in her funeral shroud)
The man's arms were per saltire gules and
The family tree of Sigmund Christoph von
Notice that all the arms disappear except
(working upwards) the male line